Can I leave my Dell laptop plugged in 24/7?

Should a laptop be plugged in all the time? - Lee Harvey Computer Repairs

If you leave your laptop plugged in all the time, there's no danger of overcharging the battery. This is because as soon as it hits 100 percent, it will stop charging until the voltage falls below a certain level. You do, however, need to ensure that your laptop does not overheat!
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Which laptop is more reliable HP or Dell?

Dell vs HP: Which Brand Is Better for Equipment? - Exit Technologies

When getting the best quality device, HP is usually the preferred choice. However, Dell has its advantages, too – such as offering more affordable laptops and desktops. So whether you want high performance and reliability or something more budget-friendly, both HP and Dell have great products that suit your needs.Mar 7, 2023
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Are old laptops worth buying?

What are the benefits of buying a second hand laptop that is ... - Quora

Quick answer: One will save a lot on the market price of the same laptop, environmental friendly, mostly tested for any issues by first user, and usually come with a warranty.Mar 9, 2023
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Which is better, SSD or DDR4?

SSD vs RAM: what's the cost/durability difference and ...

Your fastest SSD has a latency 1000x longer than DDR4. Even more telling is that RAM is actually too slow, so there's L1 and L2 cache on top. Every time you hit DRAM, you're wasting about 100 cycles waiting for the data fetch — so on-CPU cache is used to reduce that to <10 cycles for frequently-accessed data.Sep 24, 2017
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How much RAM do you really need in a Chromebook?

Recommended Chromebook Specifications

We recommend at least 4GB of RAM. The difference will be worth it for if you plan to have more than a couple of tabs open.
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How much RAM is good on a laptop?

How much RAM memory do I need for my laptop? - Lenovo

For basic computing such as web browsing, document creation and light photo editing, 4GB or 8GB is usually sufficient. However, for more intensive tasks such as gaming or graphic design you might want to increase your RAM to 16GB or even 32GB of RAM.
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